Employee expense reports generation

Employee expense reports generation

For each month, on approximately the 15th, the following execution is required:

  1. Review all expenses to report from the last month or earlier
  2. Group the expenses by employee
  3. Group the expenses of each employee by paid by the company or not paid by the company (do not add PERNOCT and TELEWORK type expenses. Read more below 👇)
  4. Create an expenses report for each group (employee and paid by) with the following name: Boleto YY/NNNN where YY are the 2 last numbers of the current year and NNNN is an unique number per report starting with 0001 and incremented by 1 sequentially.
  5. Sent the report to CEO in order to be approved
  6. When the report is approved we need to publish it (if the employee has not a direction and bank account assigned an error will occur)
  7. Download the report in PDF format and save it in the correct month path ( ...\HR\Activity\20YY HR [Activity]\Salarios\Dietas y gastos de viaje\ ) in the "To consolidate" foder.
  8. Upload the report in the signature Odoo APP and require CEOs signature within Odoo.
  9. When the report is finally signed download the PDF signed and the PDF certificate and save them again in the correct month path ( ...\HR\Activity\20YY HR [Activity]\Salarios\Dietas y gastos de viaje\ ) in the "To consolidate" folder.

PERNOCT exception

For the PERNOCT type expenses, a semiannual per person report is required:

  • One for the first semester (S1 form January to June, both included). The report must be generated during September. 
  • An other for the second semester (S2, from July to December, both included) . The report must be generated during March.

TELEWORK exception

For the TELEWORK type expenses, no report is required.

During February, all TELEWORK type expenses form the past year must be deleted.