
Internship agreement

Detail the following aspects of the internship:

  • Starting date
  • End date
  • Total hours to be completed (based on daily worked hours by the internship)
  • Nature of internship: "Extracurricular" or "Curricular"

Contact the studies center and request an internship agreement identifying the internship and communicating the starting date, end date, total hours to be completed, and whether the internship will be "Extracurricular" or "Curricular".

Once the internship agreement has been signed by all parties, make a new folder in the employee directory and name it with the starting date followed by the internship agreement identifier. Save the intership agreement inside new folder.

Download the following document and fill it with the internship agreement:

Pla salarial conveni NNNNNNNN [template] v.

Once you have completed it, save the document in the internship agreement folder and send it to the internship.

Send to FILAB de following documentation of the employee:

  • Internship agreement
  • "Pla salarial conveni"
  • Contract starting date and end date
  • Nature of internship: "Extracurricular" or "Curricular"
  • DNI or NIE document digitalized
  • Personal email to send sensitive information to the employee: HR, emergencies, ...
  • NASS: "Número de afiliación a la Seguridad Social"
  • Bank account for payrolls payments (IBAN format)
  • Fecha de inicio del convenio:
  • Fecha de fin de convenio:
  • Convenio digitalizado:
  • Plan salarial:
  • Tipo de prácticas:
  • Documento DNI o NIE digitalizado:
  • Correo electrónico personal nómina: 
  • NASS: 
  • Cuenta bancaria para pago de nóminas:

Return back and complete the onboarding process:🛬 Onboarding